Wednesday, 30 December 2009


Here's a small sample of the kind of prayers
you'll be praying to become debt-free:

1. From today, my portion in life has changed from
that of borrower to that of lender and giver in
Jesus' name.

2. You mountain of debt, programmed to put me in
poverty, be cast away in the name of Jesus.

3. Let all my stolen blessings be restored to me
a thousand fold in the name of Jesus.

4. Every satanic banker representing me in the spirit
world, be arrested by the angels of God in the
name of Jesus.

5. Today, I raise the altar of continuous abundance
upon my destiny in the name of Jesus.

6. Let divine magnets of prosperity be planted in
my hands in the name of Jesus.

7. As a result of my prosperity prayers, I receive
the mandate to enter into the covenant of wealth
in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, 31 October 2009


Power is available to you

No matter what your circumstance, power is available to heal your body, rescue a loved one, heal a broken relationship or escape a financial crisis.

Nothing in this world is supposed to have power over you.


Just as the eagle is born to know the freedom of the open skies that it rules over, so too are you -- as a human being -- created to claim the unending freedom of your own higher consciousness.

No person, no situation, no thought or feeling -- not even money problems or poor health -- are meant to hold you back from realizing ultimate success in ANY moment of your life.

I understand that this type of "supreme command" over yourself might sound strange, even fantastic, but it is a REAL possibility. And anyone with the sincere wish to awaken to such a world cannot help but succeed in realizing this newly empowered Life.

The doorway that leads to this new order of your own Higher Self is closer than you think. The key to it lies in discovering, and applying, a special type of knowledge hidden from the masses down through the ages. These "secrets" help you unlock enormous amounts of new life energy lying latent in your mind and heart. This is true Spiritual Power: an unstoppable force that empowers those who learn its secrets to command the moment, and to effortlessly dispel ANY gathering darkness.

Even though these possibilities may seem miraculous, they are actually governed by one of the most basic laws of physics: In our universe, energy cannot be created or destroyed -- but it can be transformed. Our Sun is a perfect example; it transforms lower types of energy (in the form of hydrogen atoms) into a virtually limitless supply of light -- the very highest form of energy in the universe. This "miracle" is accomplished through the amazing, but very real process of stellar fusion.

In much the same way, a process of "spiritual fusion" can take place inside of you. As you begin to tap the well of Spiritual Power in your mind and heart, it seamlessly transforms problems and negativities into higher and higher forms of Light.


-- Stress becomes Productivity
-- Worry becomes Awareness
-- Regret becomes Inspiration
-- Conflict becomes Compassion
-- Fear becomes Self-Command


There is no Christian that does not undergo SPIRITUAL TESTING in life

Nine Tests Every Christian Must Face.

Lesson 1 - The Wilderness Test
Lesson 2 - The Time Test
Lesson 3 - The Motivation Test
Lesson 4 - The Failure Test
Lesson 5 - The Self-will Test
Lesson 6 - The Discouragement Test
Lesson 7 - The Misunderstanding Test
Lesson 8 - The Frustration Test
Lesson 9 - The Servant Test

Testing is
* Inevitable
* Continual
* Necessary
* Productive
* Influential
* Crafted by God

Dangers of the Testing
* People become DISILLUSIONED
* People become DISTRAUGHT
* People become DISTRACTED
* People become ANGRY
* People become BITTER
* People become HARDENED

The purpose of every test is:
* To reveal what we understand
* To reveal what we don't understand
* To reveal to us the applicability of the lesson

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Repentance from Sin

Repentance is probably the hardest step toward salvation. Repentance not only requires that we change our attitude about sin but also that we change our actions and walk in the light as Jesus is in the light.

Another part of getting closer to God is being totally open and honest with Him. We do this by repenting—confessing our sins and turning from them. We are commanded to do this:

"He makes them listen to correction and commands them to repent of their evil. If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment. But if they do not listen, they will perish by the sword and die without knowledge." —Job 36:10-12

"Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!" —Ezekiel 18:30-32

"From that time on Jesus began to preach, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.'" —Matthew 4:17

"Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.'" —Acts 2:38-39

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." —Acts 3:19

"Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by man's design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he e man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead." —Acts 17:29-31

"Jesus answered, 'Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.'" —Luke 13:2-5

"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives." —I John 1:8-10

Saturday, 22 August 2009


Do you think all hope is lost in having a baby or having babies of your own? God Almighty is giving all infertile women in the whole universe more hope.
Even if you had been given a final negative answer from your doctor or gynaecologist, always remove all those negative thinking from your mind and continue to implant positive assurances from your heavenly father.
God Almighty is a positive Father and he is a father that gives us positive hope in all situation of life.
I personally, had witnessed cases of 40years Old women and above getting pregnant and having children. Whatever your age, continue to be hopeful in your Lord.
Look at the case of the woman that bled for so many years in the Bible, She might had gone to so many doctors and places without any hope. But with her faith, she knew she will be healed of that ailment one day. Eventually she came into contact with the garment of our Lord Jesus Christ and she was healed. So what is your situation of life that you think our Lord Jesus is sleeping. Our lord Jesus is not a sleeping God. He knows all your problem,just call upon him day and night with a repentant heart and you will witness the greatest miracle in your life in Jesus name,amen.
This is where sins comes in, which will be look upon in the next news letter.

Monday, 10 August 2009


Father, I come to you right now in the name of Jesus. I come in agreement with your Word and the Blood of Jesus. I rebuke the curse and the spirit of poverty, lack, debt and failure right now by the Blood of Jesus, shed through the crown of thorns, that curse is broken and reversed. I receive everything that should have been in my family for generations. I receive now the latter and the former rain. I receive prosperity and abundance in Jesus.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


(1) Jesus, i surrender all my life to You, and through you, and living a holy life, i will be able to enter The Kingdom of God.
(2) As my heavenly Father is a God of Success and as a child of his, i draw all the successes of the universe towards me in Jesus mighty Name.
(3) Wherever God almighty has destined for me to be successful, let his Holy hand move me towards that destination in Jesus Name.
(4) Daddy, without spiritual success, I cannot climb the ladder of life, Daddy from now on, give me more wisdom in Jesus Name.
(5)Whatever situation or circumstances of life,i know i will be successful in Jesus name.
(6)With the power and authority of the holy ghost,i shall get to my destined position in Jesus name,amen.
(7)Spirit of poverty will never locate my territory in Jesus name.
(8)Spirit of debt will never come near me in Jesus name.
(9)I will forever be a cheerful giver in Jesus name.
(10)The mighty house that jesus promised me shall come my way this year in Jesus name.
(11)The beautiful car that Jesus promise me shall come my way this year in Jesus name.
(12)I will never walk towards unrighteousness in Jesus name,amen
(13)With God mighty power,i will never do what will upset my lovely father in Jesus name,amen.

Monday, 3 August 2009


Success is normally describe as having a great career,financial success and a great family.God almighty has made provision for us to have success in every area of life.His main happiness for us is to prosper in all aspect of life including our soul,which also include our mind,will and emotions.And he also want us to be in perfect health.
God wants us to have prosperous and successful wills or purposes in life.He also wants us to be emotionally successful and prosperous.And this is where PRAYER comes in.For us to achieve these successes,we must be prayerful,because it is the only communication to God almighty,and it also draw us nearer to our heavenly father.
And the more we are drawn to him,we wil start witnessing successes in our life.WHY? Because he is a God of success.


M Success is normally describe as having a great career,financial success and a great family.God almighty has made provision for us to have success in every area of life.His main happiness for us is to prosper in all aspect of life including our soul,which also include our mind,will and emotions.And he also want us to be in perfect health.
God wants us to have prosperous and successful wills or purposes in life.He also wants us to be emotionally successful and prosperous.And this is where PRAYER comes in.For us to achieve these successes,we must be prayerful,because it is the only communication to God almighty,and it also draw us nearer to our heavenly father.
And the more we are drawn to him,we wil start witnessing successes in our life.WHY? Because he is a God of success.

Friday, 24 July 2009


To experience success in all aspect of life,you must think positively.In ones life,you want to be successful in your business,in your marriage and you also want financial,economic,social and spiritual success.So how do you achieve all these success?You must think positively,
You must be focus at all times,
You must always show love,
You must always wear a smiling face,
You must always see yourself at the top,
You must have the fear of God,
You must be willing to help others,
You must be willing to learn.
When you try all the above,the gravitational law of success will surround you.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009


Have you ever thought about how you want to live, and who you
want to become? Everyone has different values and puts them in
different order of priority, so what works for others may not
be your own recipe for success.

To remind yourself about what your life is all about, I
recommend taking the time to write down ten principles that you
consider most important. It is easy to get off-track at times,
but if you keep your personal values in sight it is much easier
live by them. (After all, what is the point in getting out of
bed every day if not to live a life of value?).

Selecting only ten principles is certainly difficult, but well
worth doing. Mine are clearly visible from my computer where I
work every day. Why don't you do the same?

Petra's Ten Tips for Being a Winner

Think big - dare to dream
Give without expecting anything back
Be persistent, even when it all looks too hard
Speak positively about yourself and others
Never stop learning
Smile, even when no-one is looking
Demand excellence from yourself
Put people before projects
Take responsibility for everything that happens to you
Have integrity - always do what you say you will do

Sunday, 19 April 2009

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Tuesday, 31 March 2009

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Friday, 27 March 2009



Have you tried all the techniques of getting pregnant as advised by your doctors?

Tried the fertile period, that is, the ovulation period for several months/year?

Had the doctors carried out a lot of investigations and test on both of you?

Tried several avenues without any success?

Do you think all hope is lost?

Last year January 2008,after my cross over prayers to 2008,I was meditating and thinking that, this is a new year, what is my target and what will be my new year resolution? Then suddenly I heard my inner voice saying “Your assignment from now on, is to pray more for the women seeking the fruit of the womb. A bit confused,the message came twice again,followed by “These are going through a lot of stress in their various matrimonies.Always put them on your priority list when praying.
I had been doing the assignment through prayers,fasting and a lot of research for solutions.
Since the beginning of this assignment,God almighty has been wonderful.Powerful prayer points are being minister into my spirit being with lot of bible references and a lot of researches are being use for this assignment,which I know are indirectly helping a lot of women with Gods guidance.

January 2009,the inner voice told me,This year is a year of Rescue,it is a year, I want to rescue all my children from the hands of the evil ones and false people,but my children have to seek for my kingdom more,
They have to be more aggressive in their prayers.
This is a year I want my children to come directly to me through my son Jesus Christ.
This is a year of practical Christianity.
They must always ASK,SEEK AND KNOCK.

As instructed by the holy spirit,that I should start sending these messages and prayer points to millions of women all over the world,I pray that from the moment you start using all the tips,bible references and prayer points I will be sending, you will see a miraculous turn over in your situations in Jesus mighty name I pray,amen.


Place your comments/contributions on my blogsite:

Monday, 16 March 2009


I was in the train going to hastings on the 30/07/08,about four stops to my destination,i heard the voice of the Holy spirit saying,ASK,SEEK AND KNOCK.I was now wandering what this means,the voice came again,ASK ,SEEK AND KNOCK, followed by this powerful message,Nobody should joke with this coming month,it is a month,i will send numerouus angels with divine gifts to all my children,but you must ASK,SEEK AND KNOCK,before you can receive these gifts,it is a month,i want to show my supernatural power to those who ASK,SEEK AND KNOCK.Tell them,not to joke with this month,because the angels will be coming with numerous,beautiful gifts.I started meditating{asking,seeking and knocking}.i got down at the station,walk down to my place and rested for some minutes.i was pondering about an interview i had a day before,what the outcome might be,because it was a competitive post. I open my computer and was checking through my mails,and to my surprise,i saw the name of the company in one of the mails,as soon as i opened the mail,i saw,CONGRATULATION,you have been offer the post,etc. What is too big for God almighty to do?i receive a very mighty present from my heavenly father as we are entering the month of multiple gifts from GOD. ASK,SEEK AND KNOCK,and see if the God of wonders will not surprise you this month in Jesus name.">