Here's a small sample of the kind of prayers
you'll be praying to become debt-free:
1. From today, my portion in life has changed from
that of borrower to that of lender and giver in
Jesus' name.
2. You mountain of debt, programmed to put me in
poverty, be cast away in the name of Jesus.
3. Let all my stolen blessings be restored to me
a thousand fold in the name of Jesus.
4. Every satanic banker representing me in the spirit
world, be arrested by the angels of God in the
name of Jesus.
5. Today, I raise the altar of continuous abundance
upon my destiny in the name of Jesus.
6. Let divine magnets of prosperity be planted in
my hands in the name of Jesus.
7. As a result of my prosperity prayers, I receive
the mandate to enter into the covenant of wealth
in the mighty name of Jesus.
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